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The history of sound as a powerful healing modality

For thousands of years the indigenous communities and cultures around the world have used Sacred Sound & vibration to heal in a holistic way.  This is because every living being is made up of vibration & frequency. These ancient communities realised this and have practised Sacred Sound to heal their communities in the form of chanting, gongs, Tibetan bowls, the didgeridoo, drums and many other vibrational instruments to bring the body back into homeostasis. More recently the playing of crystal singing bowls has been included - they resonate pure transformative tones. Sound Therapy is becoming more mainstream to support healing.


Every part of your body has its own resonant frequency – like your heart, liver, brain etc. These vibrational sound frequencies are the basic foundation of all existence. There are times when these frequencies in our bodies are ‘out of tune’ and out of alignment, like an orchestra that is out of tune.  When the body is not in harmony and the cells are challenged or altered, due to negative influences in your life, so the natural frequencies may change to a state of dis-ease.  

Sound can create harmony within the body.  The magic of sound can bring you back to a place of balance & a natural rhythm as the body entrains with the pure resonance from the crystal bowls. Entrainment is the use of a stronger vibration and frequency, which is able to create a change in another. For example, the relaxing sounds of the crystal bowls can affect your heart rate, breathing and brainwaves as they change to a slower rhythm. Neuro-chemicals are activated and the autonomic nervous system and both brain hemispheres are balanced.  It is important to create an intention before a sound journey – to think and feel the intention, then let it go. As you allow the journey to unfold in a natural way, you can go with the flow - the sounds will carry you through the journey. It is a meditative form of relaxation – a way of calming the mind and body, so you can come into a peaceful space. The body knows how to heal - sound is a catalyst and can stimulate that process, especially when the body is in a relaxed state. It’s a great way to feel rejuvenated, clear headed and less stressed.



Sound Therapy is often used as a ‘complementary’ part of healing, alongside allopathic medications. It is important to take a holistic approach to well-being – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you only rely on the physical problems of an illness, you may not be dealing with the underlying emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your life. At the beginning of a sound journey, we concentrate on the breath to stimulate your flow of energy – allowing you to break through energetic and emotional blocks. We listen to sound not just with our ears, but the entire body will receive it and benefit from it. Sound can allow you to bypass the intellect and be in a heightened state of consciousness in the quantum field.  This allows the body to completely relax and blocked energy to be released. It is a space of stillness that you can bathe in.



Why is it relevant or important for you to experience a Sound Journey? There are many benefits, but most of the time someone comes to a sound journey with a friend who has no idea what it’s all about. I’d like to explain the benefits of experiencing a Sound Journey. It’s beneficial if you can attend regularly to receive the full benefit of on-going effects. Crystal Sound Therapy is a gentle, powerful, therapeutic, healing modality.

The Benefits of Sound Therapy

  • relief of stress & anxiety

  • balanced left & right brain hemispheres

  • aligns your own natural resonant frequencies

  • improved sleeping habits

  • relief from pain & headaches due to the release of endorphins, serotonin & dopamine

  • release of blocked energies

  • a deep meditative experience

  • a sense of deep relaxation & well-being


Many people have reported that they feel less anxious and less stressed between sessions. They can finally sleep well after suffering insomnia for years.  Some play my CD with headphones as they fall asleep. They also feel an increase in energy levels and feel more motivated. Many of us are very busy in our lives. We have commitments with family, friends, work and personal interests. Some rarely take ‘time out’ to come into balance and completely relax.

Why do we need to check in on our stress levels? How does stress affect your body?

We all feel stressed from time to time, however it’s not healthy to be in a state of stress long-term – the body wasn’t designed to be in a continuous state of stress. Some stress is useful as it keeps us motivated to complete a task or feel encouraged to be creative – this is eustress. Negative stress in your body is when you may feel overwhelmed and feel out of control of a given situation. Sometimes you have to let go of the need to control people or situations. The only real control you have is how you respond to a situation and how you think. Stress can be detrimental because the body reacts to how you think – the autonomic nervous system and your thoughts are interconnected. Your body doesn’t differentiate between your mind thinking in actual time or in virtual time (when you think of a past or a future event or situation). The nervous system will be active according to whether you’re feeling tense or relaxed.  

When the sympathetic nervous system is active, you are in a ‘fight or flight’ mode and the blood is dispersed mostly to the extremities with a surge of energy that prepares you for action. The adrenal stress glands are activated and you create cortisol so you can escape a dangerous or difficult situation. These days you’re not usually running from danger, but stress can be triggered by other means such as frustration, anger, feeling offended, being misunderstood, worry, anxiety, insomnia, irritability and external situations that you judge to be stressful.  We often hold onto these negative feelings. It's important to oscillate out of the sympathetic nervous system into the para-sympathetic nervous system, which is the rest and digest mode. The blood is then distributed evenly into the digestive system and other organs in your body – the body can now relax and function normally. We need a balance of these two systems. The body will follow our thinking, whether it’s negative or positive, creative or otherwise. Be careful how you think and be kind to yourself.

Strategies to overcome stress:


  • Meditation

  • stay hydrated

  • regular movement & exercise, which improves circulation, stimulates lymphatic drainage & improves mental clarity and happiness.

  • Sound therapy – ‘chill out’ with sound

  • Humming and voice toning

  • Practise gratitude

  • Find reasons to laugh

  • Deep breathing

  • Massage

  • Be of service to others

  • Improve your relationships and enjoy a social life.

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