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The study of sound made visible

Cymatics is a fascinating scientific study of sound made visible, creating geometric natural universal patterns by sound vibrations - it’s a visible display of sound.  The Swiss researcher Hans Jenny and other renowned scientists in this field such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Michael Faraday, Margaret Watts-Hughes, Leonard Horowitz, Dr Masaru Emoto and John Stuart Reid have experimented with cymatics over time by various methods.

The most recent, popular experiments to capture the visualisation of sound have been by using water to demonstrate these geometric patterns – different flow patterns are formed depending on the frequency and intensity of the tone.  The higher the frequency, the more
complicated the pattern. 


John Stuart Reid in the UK has developed a CymaScope and the late Dr. Emoto in Japan photographed through his microscope pictures of frozen healed water crystals.  He transformed murky water via the vibration of sound, words and prayer.  So, our interaction with each other and with sound can have a profound effect on the body – water carries an energy, either positive or negative.   Water is a super conductor of sound – The human body is made up of more than 70% of water, so the use of sound to heal our water molecules, cells and every organ in the body with intention via the use of drums, gongs, voice, didgeridoo, bells, crystal bowls & Tibetan bowls is a method of returning the body to homeostasis.  The body has an innate understanding of how to heal, but sometimes it needs a tune up to come back into harmony and balance.  A Sound Journey with crystal bowls can balance the nervous system and balance the left & right brain hemispheres – we can feel rejuvenated and completely relaxed.  

Dr Masaru Emoto’s work with water.

Dr Emoto spent many years experimenting with water.  He mentioned in his book - The True Power of Water (2005 p121 – 123) referring to listening to music, ‘Improving the quality of your water is something you can do yourself …..water made very complex and intricate crystals after it was exposed to the music of a full orchestra …. Good music reaches every one of our sixty trillion cells.’

Here is a snapshot of the effects of music, words and prayer on water, presented by Dr. Emoto.

The CymaScope

John Stuart Reid, who lives in the UK, is an acoustics engineer, scientist and inventor.  He has worked with sound and electronics for many years.  He invented the CymaScope to create water images produced by sound – cymatics.


The following videos give you an example of how sound affects water – we can benefit by surrendering to sound and allowing our body to completely relax. The water in our body entrains with sound, transforming the cells the their natural resonant frequencies.  

Enjoy these wonderful, insightful images made possible on the CymaScope.

Heart beat made visible on CymaScope

Heart beat made visible on CymaScope
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Heart beat made visible on CymaScope
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Heart beat made visible on CymaScope

Physics of AUM/OM mantra made visible - CYMATICS - Sound of Creation
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Physics of AUM/OM mantra made visible - CYMATICS - Sound of Creation

Cymatics video images of human voice
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Cymatics video images of human voice

Cymascope image of Crystal Singing Bowls and Voice
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Cymascope image of Crystal Singing Bowls and Voice

Singing Bowl Cymatics 1
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Singing Bowl Cymatics 1

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